Wednesday, November 2, 2011


"...And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us........."

These words, from The Lord's Prayer, resonated in my head last night as I was trying to get to sleep. Matt taught me a few years ago, if something was bothering me, that praying would help. So if I can’t sleep, I say The Lord's Prayer in my head over and over, until I fall asleep.

These words hit home last night, and I started feeling a bit of peace. Peace with different situations I have faced in my life that I cannot control. They were never in my control, or so I thought, until now. Without getting too deep into a sob story that no one wants to hear, again, I have come to the realization that life is too short, and holding grudges will just poison you, and keep you from seeing the good in any situation. I have held on to resentment and animosity for too long, and I feel like I can finally let it go. I have said my piece, and God willing, it will not fall on deaf ears.

 I do have to say one thing though that will hopefully bring other people that may be reading this  back into reality and show a little perspective on life. Not that I’m well versed in many of life’s lessons, but I think I have this one down. Your family is all you have. Friends are great and wonderful and they are there for parties , and holiday celebrations and all of that. They may even be there for some of the bad, but your family will always be there. You started out with just you and your family. No children, no husband or wife. Just you and your family. That should never change. As we all get older and branch off our lives in different directions, no matter what comes our way, or how much someone makes you mad, we should Forgive and let it go. Not just say we have let it go and bring it back up in a year, let it go! Say you’re sorry, you love your family and let it go. I just did this and I have to tell you, I feel better. And maybe, if this hits home for you, you can do the same. Because life is too short. One day you are here, and the next you could be gone.

I will end this ranting with something my dad told me before my Grampy passed away. You should not ever have any regrets in life. If you have something to say to someone say it. This may be your last chance. Forgive one another and continue on with your life. Love each other and find peace every night when you lay down to sleep.